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Complex Event Detection at Wire Speed with FPGAs

Publication Details


Complex Event Detection at Wire Speed with FPGAs


Louis Woods, Jens Teubner, and Gustavo Alonso


Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), vol. 3(1), Singapore, September 2010.


paper (PDF)


Complex event detection is an advanced form of data stream processing where the stream(s) are scrutinized to identify given event patterns. The challenge for many complex event processing (CEP) systems is to be able to evaluate event patterns on high-volume data streams while adhering to real-time constraints. To solve this problem, in this paper we present a hardware based complex event detection system implemented on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). By inserting the FPGA directly into the data path between the network interface and the CPU, our solution can detect complex events at gigabit wire speed with constant and fully predictable latency, independently of network load, packet size or data distribution. This is a significant improvement over CPU based systems and an architectural approach that opens up interesting opportunities for hybrid stream engines that combine the flexibility of the CPU with the parallelism and processing power of FPGAs.

Publication Log

July 2010

camera-ready for VLDB 2010

March 2010

submission to VLDB 2010 (accepted as full paper)