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A Spinning Join That Does Not Get Dizzy

Publication Details


A Spinning Join That Does Not Get Dizzy


Philip F. Frey, Romulo Gonçalves, Martin Kersten, and Jens Teubner


Proceedings of the 30th Int'l Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Genoa, Italy, June 2010.


paper (PDF)presentation slides (PDF)


As network infrastructures with 10 Gb/s bandwidth and beyond have become pervasive and as cost advantages of large commodity-machine clusters continue to increase, research and industry strive to exploit the available processing performance for large-scale database processing tasks. In this work we look at the use of high-speed networks for distributed join processing. We propose Data Roundabout as a lightweight transport layer that uses Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) to gain access to the throughput opportunities in modern networks. The essence of Data Roundabout is a ring-shaped network in which each host stores one portion of a large database instance. We leverage the available bandwidth to (continuously) pump data through the high-speed network. Based on Data Roundabout, we demonstrate cyclo-join, which exploits the cycling flow of data to execute distributed joins. The study uses different join algorithms (hash join and sort-merge join) to expose the pitfalls and the advantages of each algorithm in the data cycling arena. The experiments show the potential of a large distributed main-memory cache glued together with RDMA into a novel distributed database architecture.

Publication Log

March 2010

camera-ready for ICDCS 2010

November 2009

submission to ICDCS 2010 (accepted)

October 2009

submission to PVLDB (Proc. of the VLDB Endowment) (rejected)