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SIGMOD 2007 Reviews

Reviews for paper A SQL:1999 Code Generator for the Pathfinder XQuery Compiler, submitted to SIGMOD 2007.

Overall rating: accept

Reviewer 1

Is this paper relevant to SIGMOD


Technical Quality (Is the proposal based on sound principles, novel technology?)

Strong Accept

Does the proposal contain enough information about what is going to be demonstrated?

Weak Accept

Overall Recommendation


Should the proposal be considered for the best demo award?


Rationale for recommendation (1 paragraph, 5 lines max)

The proposal is to demonstrate a code generator that translates XQuery into SQL 1999 for supporting XML queries in a relational database system. The demo is based on sound principles, and is quite likely to be of interest to many SIGMOD participants. I do have a concern, however, that there is not much to demonstrate; the details of the work may be better suited for an article or technical report.

Detailed Comments and Suggested Improvements

It would be useful to show several examples of XQueries and their SQL counterparts.

Reviewer 2

Is this paper relevant to SIGMOD


Technical Quality (Is the proposal based on sound principles, novel technology?)


Does the proposal contain enough information about what is going to be demonstrated?


Overall Recommendation


Should the proposal be considered for the best demo award?


Rationale for recommendation (1 paragraph, 5 lines max)

Very interesting technology, and it would be really interesting to see this system in action. The ability to optimize XML using existing SQL optimizers is intriguing, and it seems like a plausible approach.

Detailed Comments and Suggested Improvements


Reviewer 3

Is this paper relevant to SIGMOD


Technical Quality (Is the proposal based on sound principles, novel technology?)

Weak Accept

Does the proposal contain enough information about what is going to be demonstrated?

Weak Reject

Overall Recommendation

Weak Reject

Should the proposal be considered for the best demo award?


Rationale for recommendation (1 paragraph, 5 lines max)

The pathfinder query system translates XQuery expressions into SQL statement to be executed on top of a relational representation of the XML data. While the underlying research contributions are sound, it is unclear what the added-value contributions of the demo are.

Detailed Comments and Suggested Improvements

The underlying work seems strong, but the demonstration description does not convince me of the need for a visualization interface to pathfinder.

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