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Jan Mühlig

Jan Mühlig Foto von Jan Mühlig

(+49)231 755-5677

on appointment

Alexandra Seewald

Telefon: (+49)231 755-2777


Campus Adresse
Campus Nord
Otto-Hahn-Strasse 14

Raum 343


From 2010 until 2017 I studied computer science here at TU Dortmund University. After finishing my master's degree, I started as a research assistant in the DBIS Group leading by Jens Teubner. Already during my master thesis, I gained my first experience with the MxKernel project, which I'm now focused on.

Within the context of MxKernel, my research interests are modern hardware, which is characterized by many cores, multiple sockets, and huge amounts of main memory. The MxKernel is a prototype of DB/OS Co-Design to get a better impact on this new hardware. A unique feature is that we do without traditional threads and use a lightweight alternative for parallel control flows instead, which has some advantages, such as reducing latches and more transparent memory accesses. The MxTasking framework is a fundamental building blog related to our DB/OS Co-Design vision.


Supervised student theses

  • M. Wrede. Analytical Data Processing Based on Tasks. Master's Thesis. February 2022.
  • A. Louani. Untersuchung von Protokollen zum Austausch von Sensordaten. Bachelor's Thesis. October 2021.
  • R. Leis. Parallelisierungs-Strategien für moderne Datenbank Management Systeme. Bachelor's Thesis. May 2021.
  • D.Vu. Prefetching in parallelen Umgebungen. Bachelor's Thesis. May 2021.
  • K.Sax. Transactional Memory zur Synchronisation in Task-basierten Umgebungen. Master's Thesis. May 2021.
  • S. Nießing. Transactional Memory in systemnahen Datenstrukturen. Bachelor's Thesis. Aug. 2020.
  • O. Mutlak. HTTP-Unterstützung für MxKernek. Bachelor's Thesis. Jan. 2020.
  • A. Picker. Placement-Optimierung in Task-basierten Umgebungen. Bachelor's Thesis. Oct 2019.
  • J. Maleki. Task-basierter Zugriff auf verteilte Datenbank-Index-Strukturen. Master's Thesis. Jul. 2019.
  • M. Ihne. MxKernel-Scheduling: Strategien für die Nutzung von Speicher- und Rechenressourcen in Many-Core Systemen. Master's Thesis, Mar. 2019.
  • R. Kühn. Aggregation auf Manycore-Architekturen. Master's Thesis, Mar. 2019.
  • R. Ahlbäumer. Skalierbare Hashtabellen für moderne Multi-Core-Systeme. Bachelor's Thesis, Mar. 2018.