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Sebastian Breß

Sebastian Breß Foto von Sebastian Breß

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German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI).

About Me

In 2010, I obtained my bachelor's degree in computer science from the university of Magdeburg in Germany, followed by my master's degree in 2012. At the moment, I am a PhD student at Dortmund University of Technology working on query optimization for heterogeneous processor environments. In particular, I am focusing on efficient co-processor utilization and hardware-oblivious query optimization. In the course of my research, I developed two systems: 1) The hardware-oblivious query optimization framework HyPE, and 2) CoGaDB, a GPU-accelerated column store targeting OLAP workloads. In 2013, I helped to organize the German database conference “BTW” in Magdeburg. Furthermore, I am also co-organizing the “German community meetup for GPUs in databases” in Dortmund as well as the “International Workshop on Data (Co-)Processing on Heterogeneous Hardware“ (DAPHNE), which is a colocated workshop at EDBT/ICDT 2015.

My Research

For a decade, the database community explored graphics processing units and other co-processors to accelerate query processing. While the developed algorithms often outperform their CPU counterparts, it is quite challenging to accelerate database engines with co-processors. In my PhD project, we counter these challenges by a hardware-oblivious query optimizer. The key feature is that we place operators on (co-)processors without detailed information about the hardware. For this, we use a learning-based run-time estimator that continuously observes the run-time of database operators on different processors and adapts its performance models and operator placement decisions accordingly. As part of the project we developed an open-source library called HyPE (Hybrid Query Processing Engine) that implements the techniques we developed. HyPE is used as physical query optimizer for operator placement by our database mangement system CoGaDB and was also integrated in the hardware oblivious database engine Ocelot.

Research Interests

  • Database Query Processing on Co-Processors
  • Datamanagement on new Hardware
  • Self-Tuning

Research Projects

Teaching (in German)

Winter term 2014/2015

Summer term 2014

Winter term 2013/2014

Summer term 2013

Winter term 2012/2013

Summer term 2012


Selected Publications


  • Sebastian Dorok, Sebsatian Breß, Jens Teubner, and Gunter Saake. Flexible Analysis of Plant Genomes in a Database Management System. In International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), pages 509–512. OpenProceedings.org, 2015.
  • Andreas Meister, Sebastian Breß, and Gunter Saake. Toward GPU-accelerated Database Optimization. Datenbank-Spektrum, 15(2):131–140, 2015.